Friday, December 21, 2007

Introducing My Friend - Krishnaraj Rajagopal

Dear Friends:
I remember now, the same time few years back when I went to computer lab to learn Cobol, lab assitant told me to work either in DOS or in Windows. Guess What?
I asked him the question what is DoS and Windows, I sware. He had a strange look at me and now I know why. It was great challenge with all other knowledgeable folks with me in that RS 42,000 residential course. I have to thank my parents who had spent this amount which is way beyond their reach at that time.

I met this new friend Krishnaraj Rajagopal, I think this was the turning point in my life. He became my friend, my mentor and guru for learning computer. With his help I was able to achieve third rank in the class filled up with computer geeks. All credit goes to my friend Krishna. He also helped me all the way through to be here is US and also involves in any issues I have by saying few words to reduce my stress. I thought I would introduce him in this blog along with our folks.


sweetsuresh said...

i am happy to know about him. :-)

long live your friendship!.

ThuThuKudy Visu said...

Hi Suresh:
Thanks! I am glad atleast you are are posting comments in blog. You are even authorized to have a new post.