Thursday, December 6, 2007

Giving Back To Society

Hello Friends:
With our recent E-mail thread about volunteer organization, I am posting this blog.
So, Ravi is suggesting about choosing an existing organization and get participation with that.

This paticular posting is to discuss about to have our own organization or existing one and also to choose the segement that we may target to help such as Child's Education, Health related organization, Elderly home (Home for the aged), Rural area development etc. Lets brainstorm here in this blog with comments and keep going.

Any thoughts?


Raj said...

I think it is better to contribute existing one. Most tricky things is to identify a better organization. We may need to take help from one of the folks back home.

ThuThuKudy Visu said...

Thanks Raj for sharing your thought. I am just going to argue opposite to get more thoughts, don't take it bad.

Friends, just for argument sake I am going to say to start our own to explore more idea. If we start our own, we have more freedom about what we guys want to do and what kind of services we can provide, moreoever since it's run by us we know that alleast 98% of the fund in dedicated to services (I reduced 2% for admin charges). We can dedicate each head for different verticals such as Education, Health etc.

Look at this site, one of the active particiapant lives in my neighbourhood here. Few folks are in India and few of them are here backing them and reaching out to others.

sweetsuresh said...

what visu said is correct.i am eager to contribute.

think about self help group model.

ThuThuKudy Visu said...

Suresh, Good to know that you are very eager.

Here are few good sites about charity. Have a look when you get a chance. We may get some idea about how others do.


But these talks more about US charity organization operations. The one I mentioned earlier is run by Desi in India and here