Monday, June 1, 2009

No More Login Creation For Sites - Use Open Auth

Please use new identity options like OpenID, OAuth, and Facebook Connect, when individually used can:

* Make it easier, faster, and safer for users to establish their identity on sites
* Enable businesses to have single sign-on to your applications.
* Turn your site into a platform for third-party applications which can access user data safely and securely.
* Can integrate your site or application into the social experience of the user and their connections.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

US Election - My Support Is For Obama

With lot of interesting thing happening in Democrats side of election, here is the nice dash board for results. I support Obama policy and vision. He is great to be president and he can bring the change!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Introducing My Friend - Krishnaraj Rajagopal

Dear Friends:
I remember now, the same time few years back when I went to computer lab to learn Cobol, lab assitant told me to work either in DOS or in Windows. Guess What?
I asked him the question what is DoS and Windows, I sware. He had a strange look at me and now I know why. It was great challenge with all other knowledgeable folks with me in that RS 42,000 residential course. I have to thank my parents who had spent this amount which is way beyond their reach at that time.

I met this new friend Krishnaraj Rajagopal, I think this was the turning point in my life. He became my friend, my mentor and guru for learning computer. With his help I was able to achieve third rank in the class filled up with computer geeks. All credit goes to my friend Krishna. He also helped me all the way through to be here is US and also involves in any issues I have by saying few words to reduce my stress. I thought I would introduce him in this blog along with our folks.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Number Of Internet Users

Guys, Look at this world wide Internet Users data. India is on the 5th, like 42 million users browing the web. I think one more data they are not looking in browsing through mobile browser.

Here is the Source of the Picture:

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Giving Back To Society

Hello Friends:
With our recent E-mail thread about volunteer organization, I am posting this blog.
So, Ravi is suggesting about choosing an existing organization and get participation with that.

This paticular posting is to discuss about to have our own organization or existing one and also to choose the segement that we may target to help such as Child's Education, Health related organization, Elderly home (Home for the aged), Rural area development etc. Lets brainstorm here in this blog with comments and keep going.

Any thoughts?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Web 2.0 Hype In Internet World

Hello Friends, Now this Web 2.0 is like Internet Boom that we had back in 90's. So What is Web 2.0? We AOL, is a major player in this area now competing with Internet giants like Google, Yahoo and MSN. If you want to watch one of the site I am hosting is this is Video search and we are number one so far beating all others in this verticals.

So, coming back to Web 2.0. More than just the latest technology buzzword, it's a transformative force that's propelling companies across all industries towards a new way of doing business characterized by user participation, openness, and network effects.

Here are the basic examples that was provided by O'Reilly.

Web 1.0 --> Web 2.0
DoubleClick --> Google AdSense
Ofoto --> Flickr
Akamai --> BitTorrent --> Napster
Britannica Online --> Wikipedia
personal websites --> blogging
evite --> and EVDB
domain name speculation --> search engine optimization
page views --> cost per click
screen scraping --> web services
publishing --> participation
content management systems --> wikis
directories (taxonomy) -
Add Image-> tagging ("folksonomy")
stickiness --> syndication

Few, pictures (Not mine though). I have source in the picture itself.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Vanakkam STJIT Friends!

Dear Friends:
This is the first blog for our friends to get in touch and keep us in loop if you all want to get connected. I thought by having a separate blogs, it will help everyone to post comments and view it by all of them and have it in archives as well.

Will be good to see everyone posting their comments. Hope you all are web savvy by now.

- Have Fun and Enjoy!

- ThuThuKudy Visu.